• Glanced up at server monitors. It was 11:11:11 on the 11th, tiled 3 times. OMG!11111111
  • Cake Wrecks: The Problem With Phone Orders. Now back to work…
  • How appropriate: BNL’s “Shopping” in background of a Kohl’s commercial!
  • Also: the pop-up summary bits on the LOST rerun are seriously annoying. Fortunately I’m managing to tune them out.

  • Weird: Zunes all over the world froze up at the same time overnight.
  • Comment win: “like she was going to rip his arm off and beat his spleen to death with it. Not him; just his spleen”
  • Just a quick store run – yeah along with everyone else in town.
  • More holiday creep! I still need to mail Xmas gifts to people I missed! It’s still 2008!

Valentine's Day Display

  • Running system restore on my Windows box at work. Just how I wanted to spend Monday morning.
  • Dear HaloScan users: Please do not use the Javascript-only pop-up for your comments links. I can’t open that in a new tab.
  • Grr. Dialog boxes should not pop up while typing. I hate accidentally saying OK or Cancel. Who runs only one app at a time these days?
  • Just got buzzed by a bird on the way to the car.
  • I don’t know why yesterday’s Real Life is so funny.