• If only the super high-tech jet fighters had identified, clarified & classified, they’d have seen the attack for what it really was.
  • Good grief. “Traditional marriage” didn’t go away when gays were let into the club. It doesn’t need a discriminatory law to “restore” it.
  • South Coast Plaza has Christmas decorations up ALREADY. Halloween doesn’t exist, I guess. Or Thanksgiving.

  • Wow… Kenneth Turan really liked Changeling. Yay JMS!
  • Announcement over phone system: “There are cupcakes in the lunch room.” 2 seconds later, loud footsteps running down the hall.
  • Smurfs are 50 years old? WTF! I thought they were creations of the 80s!
  • Saw “Let the Right One In.” Less horror, more twisted revenge fantasy/coming of age movie. With vampires.

Some random links I’ve come across today

Peter David has gotten an ElfQuest tattoo to raise money for the CBLDF. He follows up: “What have you done for the CBLDF lately?” Well, I’ve plugged it on my website and bought a T-shirt… (Edit: It seems Neil Gaiman just missed this by not answering his phone.)

Pir(l)ouettes – a commentary on Adobe’s history of the ampersand.

ACLU – Pizza – a funny/chilling animation of what might go on if a pizza place could cross-reference your health, library, and banking records while you were on the phone.