Tomato plant with a mix of red and green tomatoes, growing out of the side of a palm tree.

Is this the weirdest place I’ve seen a volunteer tomato? It’s certainly up there!


*ok, not sorry* 🙂

Originally posted on Pixelfed. Observation on iNaturalist.

Update: There’s also a black nightshade of some sort and a ficus growing out of the same tree, which you can sort of see in the medium-zoom photo.

Update Sep 13: Found a notice pinned to all the trees along this edge of the block: The construction project for the LAX people-mover wants to take them all out.

They do intend to replace them, but I guess the treetop tomato is not long for this world. 😢

We’ve joked about “feral tomatoes” for ages, and occasionally found a volunteer tomato plant in an unexpected place: a city park, or next to an office parking lot.

Green tomatoes on the vine.

This feral tomato plant was growing out of a crack in the pavement next to the driveway of a grocery store. I imagine someone must have dropped a tomato with viable seeds on the way out and it took hold.

Feral tomato plant growing out of a crack in a driveway.

It’s doing remarkably well, especially under the circumstances of where it is. Heck, it’s doing better than most tomatoes I’ve planted on purpose!

Originally posted on Pixelfed

We’ve been joking about feral tomatoes for years, but recently I’ve started observing them in the wild.

Feral Tomato turning orange

So to speak.

Sometime last spring, a tomato must have been dropped in the planter next to the parking structure near work. One of the seeds sprouted, and that plant somehow survived all the remodeling and landscaping.

Feral Tomato by the parking lot

By June it was growing its own tomatoes. In fact, it was growing more tomatoes than the plants in our garden. Continue reading