Somewhere in Richmond, California. It was, of course, on Cutting Blvd. This photo has been kicking around in a box since 2000, and I finally got around to scanning it.
Category: Humor
Wheel of Time Plot Point…On a Truck?
Sadly, I don’t seem to have ever taken a picture of the logo for the “One Source” company I used to see with a variation on the Yin-Yang symbol without the dots. (There are so many companies with the name that I’m not having any luck looking online.)
The trend has gone too far!
Note that it’s certified organic, too…
Spinal Treat!
Macy’s Domestic Water
We made our first Christmas-season foray into South Coast Plaza over the weekend. Well, really, we just walked over there to grab something at the Coffee Bean after a late lunch at Finbar’s at Metro Pointe, then walked back…but it was a taste of the holiday insanity of the mall. Especially that mall. (Usually I try to avoid it during the holiday season, but I always seem to end up making at least one trip.)
Anyway, the phrasing on this sign just struck us both as odd. Okay, obviously, these valves control the water for Macy’s, which was right on the other side of the shrubberies. But why Macy’s domestic water? Is there another pipe for foreign water?
Hogwarts Groceries
I keep misreading the Snapea Crisps as Snape Crisps…and then Katie noticed that you could pick out a related name from the Maragogype Coffee at Trader Joe’s.
Sir Reynolds of the Wrap
Somehow I don’t think he’s taking this quite as seriously as Faire folk might prefer…
At the Renaissance Pleasure Faire held at Glen Helen Park near San Bernardino, California in spring 2001. (Yeah, I’ve been scanning old photos again…)
Update: I like this filmstrip-style filter and border. It’s a good fit for a Throwback Thursday on Instagram.