I am now the proud owner of a Mozilla Coffee Mug!

Coffee mug with Mozilla Coffee logo

When I went to order a new batch of Mozilla Coffee, I saw that RJ Tarpley’s is now offering mugs with their logo. Something about it just screamed “Buy me! Buy me!” – something in the combination of “Mozilla” and the lizard’s expression as he holds up his coffee mug, all of it appearing on a coffee mug…

(Ironically, I’m posting this using Konqueror.)

When I got into work this morning, our receptionist remarked to me, “Sorry, no coffee.” I assumed she meant “No coffee yet,” so I went back to my desk, read email, etc. Then I went back up to the lunch room for some coffee.

That’s when I discovered she really meant, “No coffee.” Apparently the maintenance guy didn’t hook it back up right yesterday, because the first person to walk into the room this morning discovered a medium-sized lake on the floor.

This after staying up late last night stuffing envelopes… I’m drinking cola with breakfast. And I’m seriously considering taking a cue from another coworker who went downstairs to the café on the first floor.