- 10 years ago I had just started working at an Internet provider and was very glad they didn’t want me in the server room at midnight for Y2K.
- I just ordered tickets to Avatar in IMAX 3D. It actually *was* cheaper to see Xanadu on stage, even including parking!
- Made it into Avatar. Got surprisingly decent seats considering how long the line was. We’ll miss midnight, so Happy New Year!
- Overheard waiting for the movie: “If you lost an eye, would you get a glass eye or an eye patch?” “I’d get an eye patch and grow a beard!”
Tag: TODO: Split
Galaxy and a Twist
Awesome, indeed! @BadAstronomer says:
Awesome awesome AWESOME pic of the Milky Way’s heart, by 3 magnificent observatories.
Meanwhile, in a brilliant move, I have just twisted my shoulder funny 5 minutes before driving home. At least it’s the left shoulder. Still: Ow!
Status, Android C&D and Marketing
- Spam subject: “Your decent watch will upgrade your status.” You mean I won’t need my phone to update Facebook? AWESOME!
- WTF? Google C&Ds Android modder Cyanogen. Isn’t it supposed to be licensed open-source in the first place? The cease-and-desist order is about Google’s apps (Maps, Gmail, etc.) that are pre-installed, not about the operating system itself, but still, it feels like a violation of the spirit if not the letter of the license.
- Odd: it took 3 hours for my shoulder to get sore after the flu shot. Still, NOTHING compared to last year’s tetanus shot. Now THAT hurt!
- This XKCD comic reminds me of the “uranium-free pizza” joke from some scouting event way back when.
Hero, Headlines & Spam
- Just learned “Holding Out for a Hero” is cowritten by Jim Steinman. Explains why it keeps turning into “Good Girls Go to Heaven” in my head
- Writing for Twitter
- Spam vs SPAM. I suspect it’s way too late to close the barn door on this one. Kinda like “hacker.”
Comp Bits
Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a power-only USB cable before. Would be nice if it was LABELED as such.
Ugh. “Refurb Madness.” Bad pun. Stay in the corner.
Stalker Watch, Immortality, Fast Food Crossover
- Spam subject: “Your watch will find you no matter where you are.” What if I don’t want Stalker Watch to follow me around?
- @BadAstronomer writes a short-short story:
Beware of what you wish for… Immortality is boring.
- Waiting for food at Rubio’s. Employees are trying to get the lyrics straight for the latest Jack-In-the-Box commercial.
Goodbye Ed and the :-) Key
Pair of spam subjects: “Say goodbye to ED” and “A person is missing!” Well, yeah, after Ed left…
Just noticed the android virtual keyboard has a key for 🙂 when typing text messages.