Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Servers are like that when some daemon was running in tests but wasn’t set to start on boot.
Tag: Tweets
Spam of the Future
One of the spamtraps is getting spammed in Russian…from the year 3610.
Flash 500
500th post and a Flash drink over at Speed Force.
On Benadryl
Real Life Comics on allergy medication. Oh, yes, I’ve been there.
8 Ridiculous Things Bigger Than NASA’s Budget.
Miniature cows? Didn’t I see this in a Jack in the Box ad?
Sure it is
I love 419 scam emails that start out by saying that sure, most of the messages like this are fake, but THIS one’s real!
(Almost) Forgotten Election
Before: Totally forgot about the special election today. No biggie, the lines will probably be nonexistent even in the evening.
After: Basically no line, but there were a few people voting. The polling place volunteers were playing poker to pass the time between voters.