Amusing: Someone hit this post after searching for “dancing tax preparer.” Is it really that common?
Tag: Tweets
Stock Photos Never Die
Ha! One of the pics from the “Unsolicited Commercial Love Story” is being used in the QOOP ad on the Flickr homepage!
Pinhole Bridge
Cool: A 6-month-exposure photo showing sun trails above a bridge, made using a pinhole camera made from a soda can.(from APOD)
Moody Weather
Morning: t-shirt, sweater, heavy jacket. Lunchtime: just the t-shirt. Slight difference in temp…
Geekery: WiFi and Presidential HTML
Hmm. I’ve used internet cafes while travelling, but have no idea wher to find one w/in 20mi of home. WiFi hotspots, OTOH, are everywhere.
Political geekery; saw a bumper sticker reading </bush>
. Only prob: tag should be <president name="bush">
. Did I mention geekery?
LJ Shakeup
Oh, fun. Time to look up a LiveJournal archiver, just in case…
Not Dead Yet: LiveJournal will be run by the US arm with software development in Russia. Hmm…
Translation Fail
Google Translate on a misdirected tech support request in Korean:
the product did not change down on the wind.
I wonder what that’s about?