Wait a minute… how does one lease a tax refund? 😀
Category: Humor
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It’s 4:04 on 4/04.
Yes, sometimes I am easily amused.
Foolish Links
IE9 to include alternative CSS.2012 standard instead of following anything remotely like the rest of the world.
Social tagging initiative from WaSP to physically tag bad web designers.
Opera hits 106/100 on Acid3 after discovering an Easter egg in the test.
The openSUSE mailing list announced OpenSUSE 4.1, with KDE 4.1, GNOME 4.1, MP41 support, OpenOffice 4.1, XEN 4.1, VirtualBox 4.1, and a 4-in-1 CD install.
Added: The Electronic Frontier Foundation has sent out a newsletter detailing its findings on a Congressional Listening program (apparently they monitor citizens for their opinions—who knew?), plans to move the EFF offices to an armored zeppelin, an NSA-sponsored social networking site (to “allow ordinary Americans to instantly share their private data with the government”), and Homeland Security’s conclusion that Wikipedia is a “Larger Threat Than Terrorism, Dixie Chicks Combined.” Sadly, the newsletter does not appear to be archived on the website.
Added: Virgle, a Virgin/Google joint venture to establish a permanent colony on Mars. Now seeking applicants for Martian pioneers. Takes the Google moon base from 2004 to the next level.
Added: A co-worker pointed out that all of YouTube’s featured videos are Rickrolls today. And it looks like Google is going all-out with some 15 hoaxes today. *whew!*
The Internet Storm Center is keeping a list as well.
California Craziness
Here are some interesting/amusing signs we spotted on our trip to Northern California last month.
This seemed appropriate for a trip to a comic convention. And like the Sylar Industries sign I posted earlier, all it needed was a little adjustment. Can you get a room with the power cosmic? Found in San Simeon, across the highway from our motel. (Keep in mind as you read on that the one on the right is the only doctored photo in the post.)
My personal favorite was this one in Sunnyvale. It’s always nice when city planners (or anyone making a sign, really) have a sense of humor.
Perhaps Mr. Speeder was frustrated by driving this street, somewhere near San Luis Obispo:
Sylar Industries
Up in Napa, we found this sign at the entrance to Syar Industries.
Being Heroes fans, we couldn’t resist. Not only was the name just one letter off of the show’s popular villain, but the elongated S in the logo was just begging for a trio of crosspieces to turn it into the helix symbol that appears everywhere in the show. A bit of photo-manipulation later:
Raising the Dead
Well, when you come down to it, that’s what Easter is about. But when you put it that way, it just sounds like the stuff that most churches rail against.
This Truck is Too Tired
Spotted this driving back from LA on Saturday, after Wizard World.
Well, I guess they don’t need to worry about finding the spare!
We both just sort of stared at it for a second or two. Was that really what we thought it was? Then I grabbed for the camera, snapped a shot that didn’t come out well, and handed it to Katie, who had a better view from the passenger seat.
Fortunately the traffic was terrible (now there’s something you don’t say very often) and we were able to get a shot instead of zooming past.