Found written on a stairway tile:
Someone’s teacher might be disappointed in the spelling…
Found written on a stairway tile:
Someone’s teacher might be disappointed in the spelling…
A long row of furniture stores sits in the city of Lake Forest, on a frontage road alongside the 5 freeway. Among them is this:
I can just see the exchange at the workplace:
“Nice chair! Where’d you get it?”
“In your office.”
“Hey! What’s the big idea!”
No comment on the candidate, since I don’t live in the city, just… is anyone else reminded of these guys?
Image from The Duff Brewery. [edit: no longer online] Incidentally, while looking for a page on “Citizen Kang,” I discovered that “I Voted for Kodos” is also the name of a band.
Wow, they’ll take anyone in that crew!
Somehow, I’m not convinced!
The following movies were not harmed in the making of this blog post: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Beerfest, The Devil Wears Prada, and Barnyard.
This license plate brought to you by the department of “how did they get that approved?”
I mean, it’s not even in pig latin!
No, it’s not a manipulated photo. I really saw this car on the freeway a few days ago.
I’m not sure what annoys me more about this ad: the fact that the joke is tasteless (which is an oddly appropriate phrase, considering it’s about food), or the fact that it’s equating something they serve (the mustard) with urine.
“Come here, our mustard tastes like piss!” Yeah, that’s encouraging.
Spotted on September 10.
The Macy’s in the Laguna Hills Mall has a small storefront for seasonal products. In the lead-up to Christmas it’s full of decorations, ornaments, wrapping paper, and such. During the summer, it was swimwear. (I’m not sure what they use it for in winter.)
I walked by today, and they seem to be in transition:
The mismatch was so odd that it didn’t even hit me until several minutes later that this was the earliest example of holiday creep I’ve ever seen.