Watched Wednesday’s Pushing Daisies last night. “Eternal Flame” is STILL stuck in my head.

A couple of days ago it was reported that, even with data disabled while roaming, the G1 still hits the internet. It turns out it was an edge case: his phone connected to T-Mobile UK and thought it wasn’t roaming, so it kept data active.

Appears to be an epidemic of low tire pressure here. Waited in line for air plus another car behind me.

  • Saw a bunch of Santa hats lying alongside the entire length of the 55 South to 405 South ramp – and it’s a long bridge. Maybe a box came open?
  • Got tech support question in Spanish for wrong company. Replied in bad Spanish with link. Checked against Google Translate. Google has a better vocabulary than I do. 🙁
  • Roger Ebert dismantles Expelled (via @mikesterling).

  • XKCD: The East/West terminology always bugged me too. But then, living in California, I figure we’re also on the Pacific Rim.
  • What makes people think it’s OK to post insults/threats just because your old blog post isn’t what they wanted to find on Google? It was on the one about using the disarmed emergency exit as a shortcut during construction…5 years ago. WTF?
  • You know, it would be nice if ABC would SAY things like “In 3 weeks” when they’re going to preempt Pushing Daisies 2 weeks in a row.
  • I like having (nearly) full movement in my arm again.
  • End of an era: Our last box of real Sudafed has expired.

  • Fall in SoCal = checking the weather report daily to decide between shorts or a heavy jacket.
  • I keep seeing pill spam with sensational election-related subjects. Oddly they can spell Obama correctly, but consistently write “McCane”
  • It’s time to upgrade your wireless network security to WPA2.