Reason #918,622: Caffeine. (Espresso, Mocha, Latte, Tea and More.)The new shopping center, The District (built on a corner of the former MCAS Tustin base), has an ad campaign with the slogan, “A million reasons why.” Each poster shows someone posing with a random number and something that can be found, done, or resolved by going there.

Here’s a guy who has his priorities straight. They’ve got Peet’s, Seattle’s Best Coffee, there’s a coffee bar in the Whole Foods, and who knows how many more restaurants that serve it.

Of course, if he wanted more choices, he’d be better off going to the Irvine Spectrum. They’ve got a Coffee Bean, a Kelly’s, 2 Starbucks (and a third on the way), and a Nordstrom Espresso Bar. And once upon a time, they had a Diedrich…

Speaking of Diedrich, the one on Culver and Barranca is still around at least through next summer. I haven’t been by the one near UCI lately, but I seem to recall hearing October, so it may not be long for this world.

Hmm, you know what? That poster lists a lot of caffeine sources, but it doesn’t say anything about coffee. With luck they won’t be too confused if you just order a coffee, as in this strip from Real Life Comics. 😀

No Parking sign… in the middle of the lawn.Ordinarily, there wouldn’t be anything odd about this sign. But look at the placement.

Why do they need a No Parking sign in the middle of the lawn? It’s a new sign, too—they just redid the entire lawn last year.

Seriously, I don’t think they’re going to have much of a problem with people parking on the lawn in front of an office building in Irvine.

Come to think of it, though, this is only 50 feet or so from the crosswalk warning device.

Saw this truck on the road a while back, a possible case of branding gone awry:

Truck: Blue Ice Vodka

The problem is, when I see the words, “blue ice,” I don’t think of glaciers, I think of this:

Blue Ice block for coolers

And I seriously don’t want to drink the contents of a re-freezable block for portable coolers.

Ah, well, Google disagrees with me, returning the vodka as #1. (For the record, it’s hard to go wrong with Grey Goose.)

In honor of the Heroes DVD release, here’s a truck that’s almost, but not quite labeled for Primatech Paper:

Prime Tech Cabinets, Inc.

Interestingly, it’s been a month for timing pop culture releases with relevant astronomical events. First Stardust, all about catching a falling star, arrived in theaters the same weekend as the Perseids meteor shower. Today, the Heroes Season 1 DVD arrives on the same day as a total eclipse (albeit a lunar one, rather than solar).

This touring bus has an advertisement for the company’s website, but the placement of the handle for the cargo doors is… unfortunate, as it obscures the top of the “o” in “.com”—changing it into an entirely different word.

Vestal Bus: vestalwatch.cum

And weren’t those who dedicated themselves to the service of Vesta called Vestal virgins? I’m just sayin’…

(Once again, I’m afraid to see what search terms are going to bring people here…)