Notice anything odd about this Flashback Features movie marquee? (Hint: Look at the dates.)
I think I can see a solution to their problem…
Notice anything odd about this Flashback Features movie marquee? (Hint: Look at the dates.)
I think I can see a solution to their problem…
We found this in the gift shop when we went to the Pirates dinner show back in May. IIRC, it’s a toy/prop musket.
But who comes up with these names? I mean, “Party Weapon?” By actually calling it a weapon, you’re suggesting it’s something I don’t want at a kid’s party. Well, unless I’m raising Klingons or something.
Random Addendum
Completely unrelated: while typing this, the “w” key on my keyboard got stuck. Or rather, my computer was somehow convinced that it was stuck, because it kept filling in Ws even after I unplugged the keyboard. After unplugging it and plugging it back in a couple of times, I moved my hand away from the connector and knocked over the top 3 or 4 jewel cases in a stack of CDs on my desk. They landed on the keyboard. After I put them back, the problem was fixed. 😕
I saw a bumper sticker today that read, “The road to hell is paved with liberals.”
That would explain a lot. I mean, conservatives have been walking all over liberals for the past six years. Now we finally know where they’re going with it!
Don’t trust your office to some amateur building! Hire a professional!
Of course, what I’m really concerned about is what it does on its day off…
Found on the side of an AM-PM convenience store today:
That’s one cranky glass of water.
Or maybe Odo?
My best guess is that they were trying to say something like “inflammable,” decided it wouldn’t fit, and misused a thesaurus.
A while back I was driving on the freeway and noticed a truck with this logo:
OK, so I’m maybe a bit focused on the Flash, but then I started looking at the design.
It got me thinking about commercial applications of super-speed. Not something that turns up often in the super-hero genre, but it shows up occasionally. Kapitalist Kouriers is the first one that comes to mind. They were a trio of Soviet defectors who decided to sell their services as couriers and, from time to time, heroes for hire.
Now that the election is done, here are some of the campaign signs we saw that elicited some unintended laughter.
I couldn’t decide between two captions: “But I did not hunt the deputy…” and “I didn’t think they were in season.”
This isn’t funny on its own, but coming right off the Lost season finale, all I could think was, “Vote for me, brother!”
Uh… I hate to break it to you, but that’s green…