We found this in the gift shop when we went to the Pirates dinner show back in May. IIRC, it’s a toy/prop musket.

Party Weapon

But who comes up with these names? I mean, “Party Weapon?” By actually calling it a weapon, you’re suggesting it’s something I don’t want at a kid’s party. Well, unless I’m raising Klingons or something.

Random Addendum

Completely unrelated: while typing this, the “w” key on my keyboard got stuck. Or rather, my computer was somehow convinced that it was stuck, because it kept filling in Ws even after I unplugged the keyboard. After unplugging it and plugging it back in a couple of times, I moved my hand away from the connector and knocked over the top 3 or 4 jewel cases in a stack of CDs on my desk. They landed on the keyboard. After I put them back, the problem was fixed. 😕

Now that the election is done, here are some of the campaign signs we saw that elicited some unintended laughter.

Hunt Sherrif

I couldn’t decide between two captions: “But I did not hunt the deputy…” and “I didn’t think they were in season.”


This isn’t funny on its own, but coming right off the Lost season finale, all I could think was, “Vote for me, brother!”

Go with Tan!

Uh… I hate to break it to you, but that’s green