- Spam subject: “Your watch will find you no matter where you are.” What if I don’t want Stalker Watch to follow me around?
- @BadAstronomer writes a short-short story:
Beware of what you wish for… Immortality is boring.
- Waiting for food at Rubio’s. Employees are trying to get the lyrics straight for the latest Jack-In-the-Box commercial.
Tag: TODO: Split
Persepolis, Robo-Ferrets & Drinking for Science
- Just watched Persepolis a few weeks ago. Very good. With the current mess in Iran, @netflix is recommending it
- Gotta love this story title: Robotic Ferret Used to Fight Smugglers.
- Drinking…FOR SCIENCE!
Goodbye Ed and the :-) Key
Pair of spam subjects: “Say goodbye to ED” and “A person is missing!” Well, yeah, after Ed left…
Just noticed the android virtual keyboard has a key for 🙂 when typing text messages.
Roomba Path, TV Campaign Advice, and…NINE
- Long-Exposure Shot of a Roomba’s Path Shows Beautifully Organized Chaos (src: SignalTheorist)
- Things to consider when running a “save our show” campaign & what NOT to do. (via @johannadc and @mikesterling)
- Whenever I get order #9 or take-a-number, I imagine the disembodied voice saying “Number 9…Number 9” from the Beatles’ song Revolution 9
Satellite Market, Fast Food Options, Ada and More
- Last night I learned that the Satellite Market near Disneyland is still there, but the Sputnik-style sign has been replaced. Old & new photos.
- Side salad vs. fries study: Adding a healthier option caused people to choose the unhealthy option more often. It’s made me a lot more aware of what I order for lunch.
- Spam apparently advertising speed bumps: “Women won’t hide their excitement when they see your bulge in the street”
- Funny webcomic: Ada Lovelace: The Origin! (via @johannadc)