Still not used to that being a thing.
Tag: alcohol
Links: Cloud Caps, Kahlua Cupcakes, and the Anti-Vista
A couple of days ago I clicked on the StumbleUpon toolbar and landed on this incredible photo of lenticular clouds over Mt. Rainer at APOD. It was a bit unnerving, because that picture has been my desktop wallpaper for the past year or so! Good call, though.
The Straight Dope experiments with Kahlua cupcakes to determine two questions: How much alcohol is left in each cupcake? (Not much) Can you get drunk? (Not unless you eat so many cupcakes that you’ll be sick anyway.)
Windows 7 is doing what Vista couldn’t: convincing people to replace Windows XP. The best quote in this ZDNet article: “Windows 7 is the Anti-Vista.”
Persepolis, Robo-Ferrets & Drinking for Science
- Just watched Persepolis a few weeks ago. Very good. With the current mess in Iran, @netflix is recommending it
- Gotta love this story title: Robotic Ferret Used to Fight Smugglers.
- Drinking…FOR SCIENCE!
Flash 500
500th post and a Flash drink over at Speed Force.
Self-DMCA, Antivax Anger, Specter Switch
- Warner Music issued a DMCA takedown notice to an official Warner Music video channel. I think I need some popcorn.
- From @david_colquhoun via @BadAstronomer:
Guardian science editor’s daughter gets measles. He’s angry with the anti-vaccination brigade.
- I nearly mistyped “foreign” as “foregin.” It sounds like an appetizer you should eat before drinking gin.
- Senator Arlen Specter’s party switch is largely symbolic. He didn’t toe the Republican party line, so why expect he’ll toe Democratic line?
Know Your Holidays
Now there’s someone who has their priorities lined up. You can tell they’ve got a deep understanding of the true meaning of the holiday. Forget all that Mexican military victory stuff—it’s all about getting drunk on tequila and cervezas.
Actually, now that I think about it, that probably is more or less how most Americans celebrate May 5. The northeast has St. Patrick’s Day. The southwest has Cinco de Mayo. Suddenly, the similarities between the Irish and Mexican flags have taken on an entirely new significance.
As for this event, I think I would’ve gone with “Drinko de Mayo.” It fits the original phrasing better. But as Katie pointed out, that sounds too much like drinking mayonnaise—not something that’s going to bring in too many customers.