Some odd searches through which people have found this site over the last two weeks:
- “vice presidential debate drinking game” somehow hit Fallacious Arguments, despite the fact that the post never mentions a drinking game.
- “breakdown girl” hit Donna Troy via Yahoo images search. Somehow it seems appropriate.
- “folsom street fair 2004 pictures” and similar phrases directed several people to Living in Middle Earth, though I can’t imagine why.
- “sugar packet” — I think someone was looking for real sugar (image search again).
- “rhyming poems by katherine foreman” hit (big surprise) Katie’s Rhyming Poems. (What’s it like to be famous?)
- “space pirate amazon ninja catgirl” sounds ridiculous, wich is exactly why I posted about the game
- “jesse quick in love” actually hit the speed force and Jesse’s mother, but not Jesse Quick herself.
- “how to steal flash” brings up the Flash Museum. I have to wonder what they were actually looking for, though.
- “xxx hermione” and similar (some of them rather explicit) — WTF? These hit Harry Potter Titles I’d Like To See.
Unfortunately there are too many phrases for the stats program I use to show anything that hit less than twice — and that’s where the really odd ones to show up! I’ve skimmed the logs a bit, and some of the choice items include:
- “how do i become a demon” (Speed Demon) No clue, but if you ever find out, don’t come looking for me to tell me how!
- “dead skater costume” hit Golden Glider, who was a skater, wore a costume, and is dead.
- “pick up line poems” (9-line poems) Hey, babe, wanna come over to my place and check out my poetry collection? Yeah, right.
- “bacardi computer networks” (Computer names)
- “why is volume cubed andrea is squared” I don’t think that’s quite what they meant…
- “how to send someone a virus” Nice one. Although as I understand it, if you use Windows, IE, and never install updates, all you need to do is turn on your computer.
- “3d space amazons” – sounds intriguing. I wonder if they like iced mochas too?
- “microbrew katie” – That would be the Nutty Brewnette, right?
- “is the philosophy of time travel a real book” Nope. Sorry.
- “farscape is zahn going to come back” – No, Tim Zahn has never written anything for Farscape, just original work and Star Wars nov— oh, you mean Zhaan! No.
- “scary pitchers of eyes” – As Katie said, a pitcher of eyes would definitely be scary.
- “patricia spork” somehow landed someone on Earthsea. I have no idea.
- “good songs to play at a wedding” ironically hit Songs not to play at a wedding.
- “secret service, lingerie” – what more need be said?
- “doctor zoom comics” – No, it’s Professor Zoom, and Doctor Doom!
- “how can i make raven in teen titans real?” – Okaaay. Please, turn off your TV, put away the comics, and go outside. Look around. Now to to some goth club and pick up on someone who is real. *Sheesh*
- “is teen titans raven real” – This guy should hang out with the last one. Maybe they can discuss the philosophy of time travel.
- “‘i messed with texas’ shirt” – Texas liked it.
- “teen titans – (bunny raven)” – I don’t get it. Bunny? Update: apparently “Bunny Raven” is the title of an episode.
- “cryogenics hyena” – Tough Day in the Cryogenics Lab [edit: this used to be part of the Litguild Archive]
- “were can i go to become a licensed bounty hunter?” Dunno. Try asking the demon guy.
- “farscape claudia black fake” – No, the genuine article. Of course somehow, I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for…
- “harry potter temple of doom” – as I’ve said before, I’d like to see this.
- “farscape miniseries plot” – Have some patience! It’ll be out any day now! (Tomorrow, actually)
- “farscape peacekeeper wars script” – Oh, come on!
- “download mp3 yogurt fage” – OK, I understand the search for Fage yogurt, but what’s the MP3 got to do with it?
- “shadows not working with mozilla” – Naturally, they’re working with Microsoft!
i am nt happy with this web ste there shuld be some ghost because my kid wont tpo no about them
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