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[Doralla Kon]
Full Name: Doralla Kon
Base of Operations: Alkomar (a world in another dimension)
Occupation: Scientist
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
First Appearance: Flash #145 (June 1964)

[Doralla Kon] Doralla Kon, a scientist from the other-dimensional world of Alkomar, tested a space ship and found herself on Earth. Everything seemed frozen in place until she met the second Flash, who showed her how to slow herself down to match Earth’s speed. She began exploring Central City only to encounter a series of explosions wherever she went. The Flash discovered that by slowing down, she created a shimmering effect which interacted catastrophically with large amounts of water. Doralla returned to her own world, her exploration of Earth cut short.

She returned to Earth at least once (after scientists on her world had solved the shimmering problem) in pursuit of a fugitive. A criminal scientist on her world, Korakar Lok, had found a way to steal everyone’s speed, leaving them moving in slow motion. His body could not handle the extra speed, though, so he sought to absorb the Flash’s speed in order to control it. Doralla followed him to Earth, where she alerted the Flash. The Flash stopped Korakar’s gang on Alkomar, then battled the mad scientist himself. Doralla retrieved his stolen speed, then returned to her home dimension.

Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.

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  • Flash #145 (June 1964) reprinted in Flash #229 (October 1974) - Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella


  • Flash #145 (June 1964): “The Girl from the Super-Fast Dimension!” Gardner Fox
  • Flash #157 (December 1965): “Who Stole Flash’s Super-Speed?” Gardner Fox


“The Girl From the Super-Fast Dimension!” is similar to a Johnny Quick story, “Joanie Swift, Queen of Speed!” (1952) and a later Flash story, “How to Prevent a Flash” (1977).

In each case, the male protagonist comes into conflict with a woman who has gained the same powers and wants to help out, but causes trouble instead. The sexist trope gets buried over time, but doesn't disappear until the 1990s: In the 50s, Johnny Quick flat-out doesn't want the competition from a woman, and solves his “problem” with another sexist trope. The Flash’s motive in the 60s and 70s is allegedly caution, but it’s a condescending caution that he never applies to male speedsters, and presenting every female speedster over the course of several decades as dangerous or incompetent is conspicuous.

Thankfully this type of story had played out by the 1990s, as first Lady Flash and later Jesse Quick became the Flash’s allies without objections from the hero or the authors.