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[Savitar Acolyte - Wonder Woman Plus #1]
Full Name: Christina Alexandrova (Flash v.2 #51 & later) or Ivana Christina Molotova (Flash v.2 #50)
Other Aliases: Lady Flash, Lady Savage, Lady Kobra
Group Affiliation: Cult of Savitar
Past Group Affiliation: Blue Trinity, cult of Kobra
First Appearance: (as member of Blue Trinity) Flash v.2 #7, December 1987; (as Lady Flash) Flash v.2 #50
Origin: 10–15 years ago (after Barry)
Death: Battling the Flash (Flash: Rebirth #2, 2009)
See Also: Lady Flash (Conjuror)

[Blue Trinity - Flash 7] Christina Alexandrova started out as a member of the Russian speedster team Blue Trinity. Unequipped to handle life solo, she has followed a string of powerful men, most of them super-villains, including Vandal Savage and Kobra, but is best known as the high priestess of Savitar’s speed force cult.

Detailed History

Vandal Savage bought Blue Trinity from the Manhunters. One escaped, one was left to die...but Savage kept Christina as a personal slave. She became addicted to cocaine, dependent upon Savage for her supply and totally subservient. [Lady Savage - Flash 50] When Savage realized he was dying, he sent Christina out as a super-speed assassin. Eventually he challenged the Flash to a duel, holding his family, friends, lawyer, and dog hostage. He shot Flash at point blank range, and left him for dead. In an ironic twist, he gave Flash’s spare costume to Christina to wear as “Lady Flash.” When Flash was revived by the Kilg%re, and challenged Savage to a rematch, Savage ordered Christina to kill him. She refused, he turned against her, and Flash saved her and defeated Savage (Flash v.2 #50, 1991).

[Lady Flash - Flash 50] Christina overcome her drug addiction and began a brief super-hero career as Lady Flash. She tried to latch onto Wally West, but he brushed her off.

Christina eventually encountered Savitar and became his follower (“Dead Heat”). After his disappearance, Christina made use of his other followers to track down a scroll Jesse Quick had taken from Savitar’s library, in hopes of using its secrets to follow Savitar and bring him back from the speed force to “rob him of his victory”. After clashing with Jesse Quick and Wonder Woman, she was thought lost in the speed force, but she survived, allying herself briefly with Kobra to eliminate Linda from Wally’s life during their honeymoon.

Christina fell in with Vandal Savage during her exile on the Hell Planet (Salvation Run, 2008). On her return to Earth, she took up her role as high priestess of Savitar’s cult, praying for his return. When he did return, only to immediately die, she killed his followers, absorbed their speed, and attacked the Flash...only to crumble to dust at his touch (Flash: Rebirth #2, 2009).

Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.

Top of Page Primary Sources

  • “The Fastest Man—Alive!” - Flash (second series) #50 (May 1991), William Messner-Loebs
  • “Dead Heat Part 4: Cut to the Quick” - Flash (second series) #110 (February 1996), Mark Waid
  • “Heroes!” - Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick (1997), Christopher Priest


  • Savitar Acolyte - Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick (January 1997) - Mike Collins and Tom Palmer
  • Blue Trinity - Flash (second series) #7 (December 1987) - Jackson Guice and Larry Mahlstedt
  • Lady Savage - Flash (second series) #50 (May 1991) - Greg LaRocque and José Marzan, Jr.
  • Lady Flash - Flash (second series) #50 (May 1991) - Greg LaRocque and José Marzan, Jr.

Origin Tales

  • Flash #19 (December 1988): “Blood Ties,” Hank Kanalz


  • Who’s Who Update ’88 #1 under Blue Trinity (August 1988)
  • The DC Comics Encyclopedia as Lady Flash (2004)

Significant Appearances

  • Flash #7–8 (December 1987–January 1988): “Red Trinity” and “Purple Haze,” Mike Baron
  • Flash #19 (December 1988): “Blood Ties,” Hank Kanalz
  • Flash #50 (May 1991): “The Fastest Man—Alive!” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #51 (June 1991): “Rage of the Proletariat,” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #55 (October 1991): “To Race With Gods,” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #61 (April 1992): “The Old Wedding Dodge,” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #110 (February 1996): “Dead Heat Part 4: Cut to the Quick,” Mark Waid
  • Impulse #11 (February 1996): “Dead Heat Part 5: Breaking the Barrier,” Mark Waid
  • Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick (1997): “Heroes!” Christopher Priest
  • Flash #160 (May 2000): “Honeymoon on the Run,” Brian Augustyn
  • Salvation Run (7-issue miniseries, 2008), Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges
  • Flash: Rebirth #2 (July 2009): “Dead Run,” Geoff Johns