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See Also: Storylines 1987–2008

Storyline Title Issue Villains Comment Year
Rebirth Flash: Rebirth 1–6 Zoom Re-establish Barry, revise speed force, bring back Max & Zoom, Irey becomes Impulse, new costumes 2009
Blackest Night Blackest Night:Flash 1–3 Rogues, Black Lanterns Barry as Blue Lantern; Captain Boomerang II dies 2010
Flash: Secret Files 2010 1 2010
The Dastardly Death of the Rogues Flash 1–6 Rogues, intro Renegades 2010
Rogue Profiles Flash 7–8 Captain Boomerang and Zoom Profiles 2010
The Road to Flashpoint Flash 9–12 Introduce Hot Pursuit 2011
Flashpoint Flashpoint 1–5 All of DCU history has been altered. Barry and Batman have to fix it. 2011
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost 1–3 Bart Allen is lost in time. 2011
Flashpoint: Citizen Cold 1–3 Captain Cold as a hero vs. the Rogues. 2011
Flashpoint: Legion of Doom 1–3 Heat Wave leads the Flashpoint timeline’s villains. 2011
Flashpoint: Reverse Flash 1 Focus on Professor Zoom. 2011
Flashpoint: Grodd of War 1 Focus on Gorilla Grodd. 2011

See Also: Storylines 1987–2008