Real Name: Tony Woodward
Known Relatives: none
Former Occupation: Steelworker
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas
Group Affiliation: Blacksmith’s Rogues
First Appearance: Flash: Iron Heights (2001)
Created By: Geoff Johns and Ethan van Sciver
Known Relatives: none
Former Occupation: Steelworker
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas
Group Affiliation: Blacksmith’s Rogues
First Appearance: Flash: Iron Heights (2001)
Created By: Geoff Johns and Ethan van Sciver
Steelworker Tony Woodward assaulted a female coworker, leading to a riot in which he was thrown into a vat of steel. The steel turned out to be scraps from experiments at S.T.A.R. Labs, and Tony survived, his body becoming steel itself. He remained cruel and angry, however, and used his new strength for robbery and murder.
While incarcerated at Iron Heights, the prison staff allowed his body to begin rusting away. Girder escaped in the panic of Murmur’s viral outbreak and joined the new Rogues Gallery. Not surprisingly for living steel and a living magnet, Girder is unreasonably attracted to Magenta, who repeatedly refuses his crude advances.
Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.
Primary Sources
- Flash Secret Files #3, Rogues Gallery entry (November 2001)
- Flash (second series) #185 (June 2002) - Scott Kolins & Doug Hazlewood
- Flash Secret Files #3 under The Rogues (November 2001)
- The DC Comics Encyclopedia (2004)
Significant Appearances
- Flash: Iron Heights (2001), Geoff Johns
- Flash Secret Files #3 (November 2001): “Rogues,” Geoff Johns
- Flash #184–188 (May–September 2002): “Crossfire,” Geoff Johns
- Flash #192–193 (January–February 2003): “Run Riot” Parts 1–2, Geoff Johns
- Flash #210 (July 2004): “Reconnected,” Geoff Johns
- Flash #217 (February 2005): “Post-Crisis,” Geoff Johns (cameo)
- Flash #222–223 (July–August 2005): “Rogue War, Chapters 3–4,” Geoff Johns