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[Sloe and Steddy]
Full Names: Jonas Sloe, Frederick Steddy. (Mr. Sprynt’s full name unknown. Probably all aliases.)
Occupation: Henchmen
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas
First Appearance: Flash v.2 #32 (November 1989)
See Also: Turtle

The Turtle, during his time as Keystone City’s premier criminal mastermind, and his successor, Turtle Man, cybernetically augmented some of their henchmen. Among their best are the trio of Sloe, Steddy, and Mr. Sprynt.

All three have enhanced strength and electrified fists. The dwarf-sized Sloe and giant Steddy wear black business suits. Sloe has a tattoo of a spider around his left eye. Mr. Sprynt wears a green and brown exo-skeleton, and appears to be stronger than the other two. Often Sloe and Steddy work together as a pair, holding Mr. Sprynt in reserve.

It appears that Sloe and Steddy’s augmentations were the work of Turtle Man, and Mr. Sprynt was the work of the original Turtle. The Turtle describes Mr. Sprynt as intelligent, resourceful... and also a psychopath.

All three were captured when the Turtle’s criminal enterprise was taken down. They have not been seen in action since then, and are assumed to be imprisoned.

[Mr. Sprynt]

Text by Kelson Vibber. Do not copy without permission.

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  • Flash (second series) #32 (November 1989) - Greg LaRocque and Larry Mahlstedt

Significant Appearances

  • Flash #32 (November 1989): “Welcome to Keystone City,” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #34 (January 1990): “White-Out,” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash #35 (February 1990): “Behold the Turtle!” William Messner-Loebs
  • Flash Annual 4 (1991): “Family Business” (Armageddon 2001), Mark Waid